

General English Course

We believe in value-for-money, high-quality, motivational teaching & positive learning outcomes.

As our General English course is based around communication skills, we focus on the four language skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The resources we use are specifically oriented towards this approach, and are interactive, intuitive, motivating and utilise a good balance of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Too much ‘teacher-talk’ in class is forbidden! Students are encouraged to actively participate from the very beginning.

Course Overview

Learners will, in each session, study and then practice new skills across each of the four areas of English language learning

  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Reading &
  • Writing.

Each session will focus on a specific topic, or area of interest.


Throughout all units of study the methodology will focus upon

  • Meaning
  • Grammar And ‘Form’
  • Vocabulary
  • Pronunciation.

A thorough focus on these specific areas will endeavour to ensure that effective teaching and learning takes place.

Sessions will be more communicative and interactive, allowing the learners to put in to practice what they have learnt. Sessions will also be focused on a scholarly, academic approach to language learning. Each session will have detailed aims and objectives; learning outcomes and learner progress will be closely monitored.

Course Content

Specific language points studied will include the following (this list is not exhaustive)

  • Tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous; Present Continuous For Future And ‘Going To’, ‘Will’. Present Prefect, Present Perfect Continu- Ous.
  • Questions And Question Words: ‘Who’, ‘When’, ‘Where’, ‘What’, ‘Why’, ‘How’?
  • Quantities: ‘Much’ And ‘Many’, ‘Some’, ‘Any’, ‘A Few’, ‘A Little’, ‘A Lot/Lots Of’,
  • Verb Patterns: ‘Want/Hope To Do’, ‘Enjoy/Like Doing’, ‘Looking Forward To Doing’,
  • Comparative And Superlative Adjectives: ‘Big’, ‘Bigger’, ‘Biggest’; ‘Interesting’, ‘More Interesting’, ‘Most Interesting’.
  • ‘For’ And ‘Since’.
  • ‘Have To’, ‘Should’, ‘Must’, ‘Might’
  • Time Clauses: ‘As Soon As’, ‘When’, ‘While’, ‘Until’.
  • First Conditional; Second Conditional.
  • Active And Passive Forms.

Entry Requirement

We will access your English proficiency and offer you an appropriate level.


Contact us for the earliest intakes


3/6/9 months. Depend upon your English proficiency level.

Study Mode

Part time

Tuition Fees

Our courses are competitively priced. For further details about tuition fees, please contact us.